SVDP/FFF is very pleased to announce the hiring of an assistant executive director. In November 2023 Reghan Turchetta-Wolf accepted the Assistant Executive Director position. She was hired in June 2022 as the assistant director at the Food for Families in Johnstown. When Sonny Consiglio, Executive Director, and the executive board decided it was time to hire an assistant Reghan submitted her resume and it soon became apparent she was the perfect woman for the job.
She brings to the position fresh ideas and an eagerness to learn all she can about the Society. Rodney DeAngelo, FFF Director said of Reghan, “she’s the future of St. Vincent de Paul with great ideas and a new perspective that we all should embrace for the better.”
2 thoughts on “SVDP Altoona/Johnstown Hires Assistant Executive Director”
can someone contact me. I have a concern. thank you.
Hi Karen,
You can reach me at 814-943-1981 x 111. Let me know what this is about so I can point you in the right direction.
Thank you,
Cindy Lytle, Admin Assist